Tuesday, January 14, 2014

More Happy Birthday

Nostalgic greetings to ya!

Today, I am sharing a few more of my Happy Birthday cards that are geared at year one. I don't have as many of these as I do some of the other years, but I do really love the ones I have.

This first card is not as old as some of my cards but is particularly special to me because it was given to me at age 1 (circa 1964). Yes, yes, I know that IS an antique. :) Note: The cat fur has a fuzzy texture (flocked). 

This next card is not dated, but I picked it up at one of my antiquing trips. The "1 Year old" is printed in a metallic silver.

This 3rd card is from Norcross, but is not dated.

That's all for today...just posting on my lunch hour.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. love the baby in the basket! I always think first birthday cards are special among the cards that are probably most kept, tucked in baby books & the like. love your collection! jen
