Saturday, January 25, 2014

Curl up, stay warm, and look at vintage cards!

Nostalgic (and SNOWY!) greetings to you today!

Just when we thought we could get no more snow, Mother Nature just made another hefty deposit. :)

Oh well,what's better on a snowy day than getting nostalgic and looking at old greeting cards?!

So, let me continue with the dolls theme today.

The third in the series of Hallmark doll cards featured the MGM movie Little Women. This was the last doll set that Hallmark produced and according to Linda McPherson's book Collecting Vintage Children's Greeting Cards, it was also their most successful set. This set came out in 1949. So far, I've only been able to locate 1 in this set but I'll be actively looking for Meg, Amy & Beth this spring and summer.

My Jo card is in good condition, but does not have her feather.

In 1949, American Greetings came out with their Storyland Doll Cards. I think there were 12 in this set. Apparently (according to McPherson's book) , the cards that were part of boxed sets had feathers on their heads...individually sold cards were minus the feather. I have 2 from this collection so far, Goldilocks and Little Miss Muffet. Mine do not have feathers.

See you again soon! Stay warm everyone!

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