Nostalgic greetings to you all!
Today, I am continuing with the doll card theme. The 2nd Hallmark doll series was the Dolls of the Nations with 8 being introduced in 1948 and 8 more in 1949.
In my collection, I have two from 1948 and three from 1949 and I hope to acquire more in my "antiquing adventures" in the spring and summer.
From the 1948 collection, I have doll cards from France and Brazil.
I have Australia, Switzerland, and India from the 1949 dolls.
I think the detailing on the cards is just amazing. I am also impressed that the feathers are intact on the ones that I have. I also have a few duplicates without feathers, but I will probably sell those at some point.
The next time I post, I will share the remainder of my doll cards.
If you like this blog, you will also love one called Vintage Recycling. I have followed it for quite a while and her blog actually inspired me to create my own. The blog creator Jen shares great history of greeting cards in her blog. Check it out:
Stay warm, happy, & nostalgic,
love your doll cards! keep warm!