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Posted by
8:34 PM
Nostalgic greetings my friends!
I have been on hiatus from blogging for the past few months but the good news is that even though I was not actively blogging, I did not stop acquiring new cards. Antiquing season was very good to me this year and I have a number of new greeting cards and valentines to share soon.
I didn't want to let Christmas go by without sharing a few special Christmas cards, so here goes.
This first one is special to me because it has been in our family quite awhile and it reminds me of both my mom and the "swellest" boy ever--my little brother Greg (who is now in his 40s). That is one thing that makes Christmas special---family.
The next 3 cards were sent to me by my dear friend Gwen recently. I was so excited to get mail AND antique greeting cards too. That brings me to another special part of Christmas--good friends. And of course, the last card shares scripture from Luke that shares the reason for the whole season and the most important aspect of Christmas...the birth of Christ!
The next card reminds me of those who are serving in the military and are away from their families at Christmas. Thanks to all of them for their unwavering service and please keep them safe.
Lastly, I share this card that I was given last year. It commemorates a baby's first Christmas. I know several family and friends who will soon be celebrating new babies or who are enjoying their first Christmas with little ones. Little ones make the holidays special. Enjoy those special moments-they grow up so quickly.
God bless you all and for those who have loved ones who are sick, or for those that have a tough time around the holidays...I hope that good memories from the past brighten your days.
Until next year...stay nostalgic!
Posted by
9:53 PM
Nostalgic greetings!
It has been quite awhile since I have posted to the blog. Even though I have been on a bit of a hiatus from posting, I am happy to say that I have been on a few antiquing trips where I have gotten some nice cards that will be featured in the future!
I recently ran across these sweet Father's Day cards, so I wanted to share them. I also want to wish a Hapoy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. My dad passed away in 1985, but I still have great memories. I also am blessed to be married to a wonderful man who has been a great dad to our daughter and I have a really great father in law. I hope you enjoy these cards!
Stay nostalgic!
Posted by
2:23 PM
Nostalgic greetings!
There are still more to see...but this is the last of least for now!
Stay nostalgic,
Mary |
Posted by
2:22 PM
Nostalgic greetings!
Today, I'm sharing even more of my Valentines...this time in the form of greeting cards! Enjoy!
Stay Nostalgic!
Posted by
2:21 PM
Nostalgic greetings!
Just because Valentine's Day (and February!) is over doesn't mean that the Valentines have to end. Here's more! I ran out of time in February, but am going to do 3 postings today to finish up the Valentines!
Stay nostalgic,
Mary |