Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A greeting card birthday!

Nostalgic greetings!

 One reason I enjoy collecting vintage greeting cards so much is because they represent joyful times in people's lives. They commemorate birthdays, holidays, and expressions of love and caring. 

Today I wanted to share a personal story related to greeting cards. Today is my birthday and for the past week and a half, my mother has sent me seventeen (1 or 2 a day) amazing handmade greeting cards, each more special than the next. On many of them, she featured a reproduction of a vintage greeting card related to daughters. They are such a special gift that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Not only was I filled with joy for receiving all the mail, and feeling extra special, I also LOVED the fact that they were related to my vintage greeting card collection. A lot of them contained special extras too. A few even had real vintage greeting cards inside that mother had purchased for me. 

So, today's blog is just to showcase how cool it was to get so many handmade cards in my mailbox AND to show you some of the new cards I received.

Here are some of the amazing vintage inspired cards that my mother made me. Aren't they wonderful?

Here are some of the great vintage cards that my mother gave me, I love them all!

Stay nostalgic and if you have time, send a few cards in the mail. They really can make a difference in someone's day,
A slightly older Mary

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Luck of the Irish to ya!

Nostalgic (and lucky) greetings to you!

Hello! Well, I clearly did not find extra time in February to share more of my amazing valentines, and now it is March and St. Patrick's Day is approaching so I am going to share 2/3 of my collection of St. Patty's Day cards with you. That sounds pretty impressive until I divulge the fact that I only own 3! They seem to be rarer than birthday, Valentine, Easter and Christmas cards so I always buy them when I see them. I honestly don't remember what antiquing quests that I was on when I found these two but I do know that I was thrilled to expand my collection.

I must admit that I am not Irish, do not regularly celebrate the holiday, don't attend any parties or parades to commemorate the day and frankly usually even forget to wear green but I do nevertheless have a connection to the holiday. I have a fondness for green beer. Ironically, I do not like beer (of any color!) and I don't drink it but I did meet my husband at an event that involved green beer 33 years ago so it does hold a special place in my heart, even if I would never take a sip if it were the last beverage on earth. So, since I met the love of my life, I think I can safely say that St. Patrick's Day was a lucky time for me, well, in a way. Well, I must acknowledge that my story loses some of the charm when I share that the beer was LEFTOVER green beer from a St. Patty's Day Party that I never attended but I digress...I still met my husband because of green beer so I'm still saying that it was lucky for me!!

Anyway,  I hope that you enjoy my cards and even more importantly, I hope that you enjoy the luck of the Irish in the days and weeks to come.

Stay nostalgic,

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day 2016!


Nostalgic greetings friends!

I have been "missing in action" lately on this blog (too busy!) but since I collect vintage valentines, I couldn't miss an opportunity to post some of my amazing valentines on Valentine's Day. Hopefully I will find time to post more of my amazing valentine collection before February is over. I went antiquing with my wonderful husband yesterday (we hadn't been in a long time!) and I hit the mother lode with valentines. I actually found 14! I think that is symbolic since it is the fourteenth so I am going to share them all.  Enjoy!

          Isn't this one adorable?

This one is hand-dated 1944. I love it! 

This is hand-dated 1936

     This one is mechanical

     This is hand-dated 1941

This one is from American Greetings

This is a Hallmark card, dated 1948

Stay nostalgic and remember to tell someone you love them today...the world needs more of that!



Nostalgic Greetings Design by Insight © 2009